Category » Vegetable-Ice-Cream
» Ginger Ice Cream
Ginger Ice Cream
- 3½ c. coconut milk (or other non-dairy milk)
- ¼ - ½ c. minced ginger (depending on how gingery you like it)
- ¾ c. sugar
- 2 T. arrowroot
- 1 t. vanilla extract
- 1 t. coconut extract (optional)
- ¾ c. crystallized ginger, chopped into small pieces
Preparation Method
- Mix up ¼ cup of coconut milk with the 2 tablespoons of arrowroot and set aside.
- Mix the coconut milk and minced ginger together and bring to a boil.
- Take off the heat and set aside for 25 minutes to steep.
- Strain through a fine-mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the minced ginger.
- Keep the milk; throw out the ginger.
- Mix the coconut milk and sugar together and bring to a boil.
- When the mixture has just started to boil, take off the heat and stir in the arrowroot slurry.
- This should immediately cause the liquid to thicken (not a lot, but a noticeable amount; it will be thicker when it cools).
- Stir in vanilla extract and coconut extract, if using.
- Set the ice cream mixture aside to cool.
- Solidify (freeze) according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Add crystallized ginger in the last five minutes of freezing.