Ice Cream Wafers

Ice Cream Wafers also known as Ice Cream Wafer has been linked with the pleasure and enjoyment of ice cream for a long period of time.

At present there are lots of varieties of wafers available to select from. This is an interesting one which makes it potential to encompass still more fun and entrainment with ice cream and create an interesting and fashionable sundaes and ice cream presentations.

Here are some of the wafers available at present ice cream shops

Fan WaferFan Wafers

These wafers are special Wafers which are used in lots of ice cream preparations and even in ice cream sundae.


Teddy Bear WaferTeddy Bear Wafers

This Wafer is teddy bear shape one which is perfect for children's party ice cream



As long as Waffles considered they provide a 'hot' ice cream luxury that melts in the mouth! It is considered as best with ice cream, syrup and fresh fruit.


Nougat filled, chocolate dipped thick wafersNougat filled, chocolate dipped thick wafers

This type of wafer is an extra special treat! It’s not found common but still fashioned by a number of ice cream wafer manufacturers.


Waffer CurlsWafer curls

These Wafers come in thin and fashionable form, they come in variety of colors and flavors


Wafer BasketsWafer baskets

These Wafers are special wafers sometimes lined with chocolate!


Brandy snap basketBrandy snap baskets

This Wafer is an ideal for a single scoop appearance with sliced fruit