Thursday, April 01, 2010

But we have done it. Our dogs love the taste of ice-cream, and any walk along Oriental Bay is a stop-start exercise as Phoebe halts every few yards to snuffle and lick at ice-cream stains on the pavement that may have been there for days. We have watched the dogs eye us pleadingly as we munch through a snow freeze or frozen yoghurt in a cone, and relented by tossing them the tip of the cone with just a bit of the creamy stuff attached.
The dogs rarely get nibbles of corn chips or nuts, but we try to do the right thing and not fill their eager little bellies with sugary stuff.
Nick have seen other dog owners nourish their pets with biscuits, chocolate, pieces of cake, scones, creamy pike lets the dogs love it, of course, but without getting judgmental about others, it's a boundary we won't cross. Our dachshunds are basically dogs with dwarfism, and as a result of that condition their spinal tissues aren't as sturdy as in a standard dog and they can get injured easily. Excess weight magnifies the problem, so keeping a daxie trim is an important health safeguard
Labels: Dachshunds, Dogs, Oriental Bay, Puppies