Ice Cream Park » Ice Cream Flavors » Kibon Ice Cream
If you are looking for ice cream, the national brands are Kibon and Nestlé and there are imported ones like Haagen-Dazs, but no Ben and Jerry's. We like Kibon, and especially the trays that are like as sundae in a box.
Somewhere as the afternoon
passes its peak, a dessert and two appears to liven up the
group. A coconut or corn sweet cake, a pudding or flan, and
maybe a passion fruit mousse. It may be somebody will buy
a jug of Kibon ice cream that adults and even kids will compete
to empty.
Kibon ice
cream is basically a Brazilian ice cream producer.
Kibon was founded in the 1930s.
In the year 1957, it was bought by a General Foods Corporation.
In 1985, the company was bought by Mr. Phillip Morris.
During 90s, Kibon was made by a Swiss company Move n pick.
In 1995, Kibon bought Brazilian chocolate company Lacto.
In 1997, the Dutch company Unilever bought Kibon.
Some ads are very easy to spot as a fakes. For instance, it's a give away when the product is barely mentioned. Another clue could be portraying the brand in a way that a client could be unlikely to approve. A Cannes jury a few years ago questioned a print ad by Young & Rubicam in the Brazil for Unilever's Kibon ice cream in which lots of little spoons are in the hot pursuit of a ball of ice cream. Legitimate enough -- except that the spoons look like sperm swimming to fertilize an ice cream ovule. To jury members, it just didn't look like the food advertising, and it appears their instincts were right: Later, in the local trade press, the client denied to approve the ad.