Fruit Ice
Creams » Kiwi Fruit Ice Cream Varieties » Kiwi Fruit
Ice Cream Recipe
Kiwi Fruit Ice Cream Recipe
- 6 eggs, separated
- 225 g/8 oz/1 cup caster (superfine)
- 30 ml/2 tbsp boiling water
- 600 ml/1 pt/2.5 cups double (heavy)
cream, whipped
- 8 kiwi fruit
- 60 m/4 tbsp kirsch
- 5 ml/1 tsp vanilla essence (extract)
Whisk the egg whites with 30 ml/2 tbsp of the
sugar. Whisk the egg yolks with the remaining sugar
and the boiling water. Fold the two mixtures together,
then fold in the cream. Thinly slice one kiwi fruit
and reserve for decoration. Puree the remaining kiwi
fruit in a food processor or blender and sieve (strain)
to remove the pips. Stir the fruit into the mixture
with the kirsch and vanilla essence. Pour into a freezer
container and freeze until firm. Serve garnished with
slices of kiwi fruit.
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